Talent Spotlight

We’re excited to announce a new member to vdR’s PLM Practice.

Adam Secousse has joined the PLM professional services team as a project manager and implementation specialist.  He brings extensive experience in solution architecture, software development, and project management.  Previously, Adam has worked in big data, biosciences, financial services and numerous customer facing roles.

PLM Practice Adam

His approach to professional services embodies vdR’s core value of “being part of the solution.”  Adam excels at building relationships that drive results – results that are grounded in his deep understanding of the technical issues and architecture.

"It's not just about solving a problem, but how you solve it.  Long-term operability and scalability are critical"

Adam has his bachelor's degree in physics from UCLA.  On his free time, he enjoys contemporary dance and was previously a member of the Pillow Project, a contemporary dance company in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.